I want to see the world through my client's eyes

I strive to put aside my assumptions and expectations and allow myself to be guided by curiosity, compassion, and creativity in our unique relationship.

I firmly believe that we all have our stumbling block, struggle, temptation, or if you prefer, the adventure that we go through in life. Sometimes it is necessary to ask for help to get where we need to be, overcome challenges, or at least take a more positive attitude and accept what we cannot change.


How I work

Formal education

Accredited Gestalt psychotherapist - Gestalt Studio Belgrade, EAGT European accredited educational training institute for education

Master of Theology, Biblical and Patristic module, Faculty of Theology, University of Belgrade

Graduated psychologist, Clinical major, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Outside of therapy

10+ years of work in a business environment, within the HR function

5+ years of volunteer work in addiction and eating disorder recovery support groups

One-year internship as a clinical psychologist diagnostician at the Institute for Mental Health

A one-year educational seminar for using the Rorschach method


Common conditions and challenges

Areas of work

Just as I am dedicated to the development of my clients, I also prioritize my health. Many activities make up my personal care routine. Taking time for self-care replenishes my energy and fosters a more profound sense of peace, joy, and compassion. May this collection serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care in experiencing a full and creative life and as an inspiration for practices that would suit you. 





Budapest, Hungary

For additional resources and inspiration follow me on my Facebook page.
