Frequently Asked Questions

I work with clients online, via the Zoom platform, and in person, in XII district (Bürök utca), Budapest.

The usual session dynamic is once per week. However, sometimes it is appropriate to meet more or less than once a week, depending on our arrangements, financial possibilities, and therapeutic goals.

In general, complete confidentiality of sessions is one of the fundamental ethical principles of therapeutic work. However, in practice, there are the following limitations:

  • From time to time, I discuss my work with the supervisor. This is standard practice and helps me work with you. The same Code of Ethics binds my supervisor as I am.
  • If I believe you are in danger of harming yourself or others, I reserve the right to break confidentiality to prevent harm.
  • If the court requires me to provide some information.
  • If I receive your written consent to share information about our work for a specific need.
  • If you are under 18, please note that your parents or guardians may request access to your data.

I adhere to the Code of Ethics of Society of Psychologists of Serbia (DPS), Association of Associations of Psychotherapists of Serbia (SDPS), European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) and ethical principles of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP). You can always request these documents from me for review, or you can access them yourself via the following links:


DPS Code of Ethics:

SDPS Code of Ethics:

EAGT Code of Ethics:

Ethical principles of EAP:

  • In case of session cancellation, you must inform me at least 24 hours in advance. If the notice period is shorter than agreed, I will try to offer you a new appointment within the same week. If this is not possible, then the canceled session will be charged.
  • If I must cancel an appointment, you will be notified at least 24 hours in advance, except in an emergency, and I will endeavor to offer an alternative time within the same week. If this is not possible, the following therapeutic meeting is free of charge.

No, as a psychologist, I do not prescribe medication. However, if, after some time together, we decide that drug therapy might be appropriate, I work with trusted psychiatrists to whom I can refer you and collaborate in that aspect of your treatment.

Psychotherapy represents a significant investment of time, energy, and money. Therefore, choosing a therapist you are comfortable working with is crucial. Generally, 3-4 meetings are enough to know if I am a good fit for you as a therapist.

I can always refer you to other colleagues who I sincerely believe are excellent therapists.

There are different ways to experience the need to end therapy, as it is an individual experience. It is often characterized by the loss of ailments that brought you to treatment, the achievement of the change you were hoping for, or the general experience of increased joy and functionality in everyday life.

In the ordinary course of therapy, you will recognize when you are ready to end the treatment, and together we will prepare for the separation to support your further development and well-being optimally. However, sometimes the therapy is very challenging, and you strongly desire to end abruptly. I would ask you, if possible, to refrain from that action but instead, bring your needs to our next meeting so that we can further explore them and ensure the best outcome for you. In general, I recommend that the notice period be at least three weeks for therapy work that is longer than ten weeks.

You can contact me directly by calling or texting +381(0)63/8782-773 or +36/20/5364-322, or via email at:



Budapest, Hungary

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